How Is Climate Change Harming Our Environment?
Global climate change has been one of the most discussed topics in modern times. Climate change refers to a long-term shift in temperature and weather patterns. Changes to the climate are driven by the increased combustion of fossil fuels (like coal, oil and gas) which produces greenhouse gas emissions of harmful heat-trapping greenhouse gasses, most notably carbon dioxide (CO2). Our planet’s climate change is the greatest existing threat to not only our present but also to our future. Some changes (such as melting glaciers, droughts, wildfires, and extreme rainfall) are happening faster than scientists once evaluated.
What causes climate change?
Since the 1800s, humans have been the main factor causing a change in the climate through greenhouse gas emissions like carbon dioxide and methane. Factors like clearing the forest, garbage landfills, using gasoline to drive cars or using coal for heating a building are the causes of increased carbon dioxide and methane.
- Global Warming- Global warming results in an increase in the earth’s temperature resulting in environmental change. Burning of fossil fuels that pump carbon dioxide (CO2), methane and other greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere.
- Ozone Layer Depletion- The ozone (O3) layer protects us from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays. It’s a very important layer which is made from concentrated ozone gasses and is being depleted by industries that use CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons).
- Water Pollution- Water pollution is the contamination of water sources by substances that render the water unfit for drinking, cooking, cleaning, swimming, and other activities. It’s mainly caused by farms, factories, and cities throwing waste like chemicals, nutrients, and heavy metals into the river. Thus, killing the living organisms due to lack of oxygen.
- Air Pollution- Air pollution is caused by emissions from industries, automobiles, and the increasing use of fossil fuels, which emits harmful heat-trapping greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere.
- Solid Waste Management- More waste being produced by factories and then dumped into oceans and other natural bodies can lead to the depletion of flora and fauna that exist in them. These pollutants are often swallowed by fish living in the ocean, which in turn cause diseases to people who consume them.
- Deforestation- Deforestation is the depletion of trees and forests at an alarming rate. Trees help in balancing the earth’s temperature, providing us with oxygen, food and other raw materials. Cutting trees and forests can result in soil erosion, an increase in CO2, desertification and floods.
How can climate change affect humans and animals?
Climate change has a major impact on our surroundings and lifestyle. Due to the increase in water levels, our coastlines are shrinking. Many communities living along the islands fear the worst, as parts of their land are gradually submerging. What once was a habitable and thriving land is slowly moving towards the verge of extinction.
Climate change has a vast array of negative effects including intense droughts, water scarcity, severe fires, rising sea levels, flooding, melting polar ice, catastrophic storms and declining biodiversity. For now, our generation is only experiencing the tip of the iceberg. If we do not change our habits, our children and grandchildren will pay for our sins.
It’s not only humans that face the wrath of climate. A lot of animals and birds which call the natural environment their home are in danger. Extreme climatic conditions are causing many species of animals to go extinct. Climate change is to blame for everything from forest fires that killed thousands of koalas in the grasslands of Australia to droughts that took the lives of deer and other animals in the scorching deserts of Africa.
How can we protect our planet?
Protecting our environment should be considered an extracurricular activity. It is something we ought to do for a better tomorrow. Gone are the days when we could keep our cars running even at stoplights. Every kg of CO2 emitted is burning a hole in the ozone layer which in turn is burning our future. The world is in our hands and it is up to us to decide our fate. Just a few extra sprays of deodorant or leaving the lights on when not required cause massive damage in the long run. But it’s not too late. We can take some steps towards repairing the damage already caused.
As the saying goes — “Every drop makes the ocean” — in a similar way every small step that we take as an individual will have a vast difference when clubbed together as a community.
Some of the tips to consider for a better tomorrow include: Decomposition, planting more trees, volunteer clean-ups, educating people, creating awareness, and reducing the use of plastic, glass, metal and paper.
How are climate activists reacting to the current scenario?
Protecting the environment should not be considered the responsibility of just a handful of people or as a CSR activity of polluting industries. We all breathe the same air, hence it is everyone’s duty to work towards protecting it.
Climate activists are considered to be the defenders of the planet. They campaign and protest against policies taken up by government bodies that have the potential of destroying the Earth.
Activists all around the globe are unanimously fighting and voicing out in different forms of protests. Recently a pair of college students flung tomato soup on Van Gogh’s painting and then glued their hands to the wall in a sign of protest. In another incident, there was an attempt to vandalize the Monalisa painting for the same reasons.
Final Verdict
I hope that the information shared in this article helps you understand how climate change is affecting various parts of the world. From extreme weather events to rising sea levels, this crisis has no stopping signs. We got to do our part to help prevent it from becoming even worse.